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- 孟若羽 肛交 网球到底是黄色照旧绿色?望望费德勒如何说
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孟若羽 肛交 网球到底是黄色照旧绿色?望望费德勒如何说
有莫得纠结过网球到底是黄色照旧绿色的?在最近掀翻的网罗热议中孟若羽 肛交,网友们各捏一词,皆无法劝服对方。于是有东谈主在费德勒的粉丝碰头会上胜利问了他还录了下来,费德勒在视频中说,网球是黄色的。但你知谈吗?网球当先其实是白色的。
Are these tennis balls yellow or green? 网球到底是黄色的照旧绿色的? It seems a simple question - the tennis balls are obviously yellow. But some people say they are obviously green. 这似乎是一个浅薄的问题 - 网球分解是黄色的。但有些东谈主证分解是绿色的。 And then there are the people who say they are obviously both. 还有东谈主证分解是两者兼有。 An online Twitter poll that aimed to garner opinion on the hot potato found that, of 30,000 people voting, 52 percent agreed tennis balls are green, while 42 percent suggested they were yellow. A further six percent ticked 'other.' 推特上发布的一个有计划网球心理的网罗拜访发现,在参与拜访的三万名网友中,52%觉得网球是绿色的,42%觉得是黄色的,还有6%采选“其他”。 So what colour are tennis balls? Fortunately, the ATP world number one has provided us with an answer. 那么网球到底是什么心理?庆幸的是,海外网球邻接会名按序一的费德勒为咱们提供了一个谜底。 一位肆业欲焕发的球迷在一次正常签名碰头会上,端着相机问了费德勒这个问题:
In the video, tennis star Roger Federer is asked what colour tennis balls are. 在视频中,网球明星罗杰•费德勒被问及网球的心理。 "They're yellow, right?" says the Swiss. 费德勒说:“是黄色的,对吧?”
For some people Federer's word was enough, with one person suggesting "if Roger says they're yellow, they're yellow", and another saying "I've always thought tennis balls were green, but if Roger Federer says they are yellow who am I to argue". 关于一些东谈主来说,费德勒的话即是圭臬谜底,有位网友说,“要是费德勒说是黄色,即是黄色”,另一位网友说:“我一直以为网球是绿色的,但要是罗杰•费德勒说它们是黄色的,我还争辩个啥。”
有网友说,网球确定是黄色的,因为草场是绿色,要是网球是绿色的话,咱们在温网的转播画面上就看不到球。 Despite one person's protests that if "the grass at Wimbledon is green, the balls cannot also be green", others remained unconvinced. 尽管有东谈主争申辩,要是“温布尔登的草是绿色的,网球弗成能是绿色的”,但有些东谈主照旧不笃信。
这似乎是有趣味的,但温网的时局也不是一直皆督察一个圭臬的绿色。 有的网友就觉得费德勒说错了。
"Roger Federer is wrong" declared one Twitter user, while another suggested that they are a type of "fluorescent yellow" that can also be seen as green. “罗杰•费德勒是错的”,一位推特用户声称,另一位则暗示它们是一种“荧光黄色”,也不错被视为绿色。
And the emoji adds further weight to the debate, clearly green in colour. 而心理标识中绿色的网球让这个争论愈发烧烈。
So, who's right? Well, both parties could actually be. 那么,到底谁是对的?其实,两边皆可能是对的。 The official verdict from the International Tennis Federation (ITF) says 'the ball shall have a uniform outer surface consisting of a fabric cover and shall be white or yellow in colour.' 海外网球邻接会的官方文献中说:“网球应有妥洽的外层,名义障翳织物,应为白色或黄色”。 However, as many have pointed out, the shade commonly used appears to be 'chartreuse', a colour between yellow and green. 但好多东谈主指出,网球的心理世俗看起来是“黄绿色”,介于黄色和绿色之间。 这个问题也引起了专科科技公司的意思意思,运筹帷幄量子点电视的nanosys公司就用专科仪器测量了一颗网球的光谱,后果露馅: 不是黄,也不是绿,而是黄绿。
这个问题的谜底要寻踪觅迹。 网球已经是白色的。 在19世纪末,网球从法国发祥后,在英国贵族间成为流行表示。 而英国盛产羊毛,是以网球的心理,即是它主要材料的心理——羊毛白。 修艳弘 拳交那时网球仅仅贵族间文娱消遣的表示,鲜少波及到竞技体育的层面。
插足到20世纪中期,网球插足公开赛年代,巡回赛和大满贯级别的赛事均波及到了电视转播,而跟着第二次全国大战后科技的迅猛发展,彩色电视开动面世。 无人不晓,网球场边线的心理是白的,白色的网球在过程或砸到边线时,彩色电视机前的不雅众就会一刹从视觉上失去球的陈迹,不雅感至极不好。
1972年,为了转播的需要,海外网球邻接会与网球制作刊行商协定,给网球打算了一种专用的“视觉黄”(optic yellow )。 经运筹帷幄,这种心理在电视屏幕上会呈现出荧光,最容易被不雅众识别出来。 So why do some people see different colours? The answer may lie in a previous optical illusion that made waves online about a dress. Was it white and gold? Or was it blue and black? 那么为什么有些东谈主会看到不同的心理?谜底也许不错在之前东谈主们对一件裙子的视错觉中找到,那时这件裙子的心理在网上激发了争议。它是白金色的?简略,它是蓝玄色的?
The photo of a dress divided people on social media, with #TheDress trending worldwide in February 2015. 这件连衣裙的像片在酬酢媒体激发争论,2015年2月话题#TheDress在大家界限内成为热点。 At the time Professor Stephen Westland, chair of colour science and technology at the University of Leeds, said the way people see colours varies hugely. 那时,利兹大学颜色科学和技巧主任斯蒂芬-韦斯特兰西席说,东谈主们看到颜色的形貌相反很大。 "We don't always see colour in the same way," he said. "The surprising thing is that this doesn't happen more often. “咱们并不老是以相同的形貌看到心理,”他说,“令东谈主诧异的是,这中情况并不是频频发生。” "It is possible that people could literally be seeing different colours but it's impossible to know what is in someone's head." “东谈主们可能确切会看到不同的心理,但咱们弗成能知谈它在某东谈主脑中是什么心理。” 开头:BBC、逐日邮报、泰摩网球、逐日学英语微信公众账号 翻译&剪辑:yaning孟若羽 肛交 |